Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Aero TV

Welcome to the Aero TV privacy policy

This policy sets out how we treat your personal information if you are a user or a visitor of our website. It applies to our entire network.

When we say "We", or "Aero TV", it's because that's who we are and because we own and manage the website.

When we say "policy" we are talking about this privacy policy. When we say "terms of use", we are talking about the rules for using our website. Rules vary by product and each product makes them available separately and requests consent to this policy separately.

The type of personal information we collect

We collect certain personal information about visitors and users of our site.

The most common types of information we collect are: usernames, member names, email addresses, IP addresses, other contact details, survey responses, payment information such as payment agent contact details, transaction details, tax information, support requests, forum comments, content you ask us to make available on our site (such as item descriptions), and web analytics data. We also collect personal information from applications (such as your CV, the application form itself, cover letter and interview notes).

How we collect personal information

We collect personal information directly when you provide it to us, automatically when you browse the site, or through others when you use services associated with our site.

We collect your personal information when you provide it to us when registering for membership and when you purchase or provide items or services on our site, when you provide us with feedback, when you enter a contest, when you are responding to a survey or when you send a communication to us.